How To Draw Pikachu Step by Step In Easy Way - Drawing for Kids Blog - Cool Drawing Ideas

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Saturday, June 12, 2021

How To Draw Pikachu Step by Step In Easy Way


Draw Pikachu is a well-known Pokémon character. This amusing and adorable artwork is adored by all youngsters. He has a fairly simple form that you can easily sketch. Many of you don't require this drawing lesson, and many children can draw Pikachu without following a step-by-step guide. But I'm confident that by following these sketching techniques, you'll be able to depict its shape and proportions with more accuracy...

Try draw Pokémon Pikachu with me!


First step of drawing Pokémon is very easy. You need to draw the outline sketches for the head (circle) and add two vertical lines. They are the boundaries of the body Pikachu.
w you need to the ends of these lines add small circles. They will help you draw legs. Add two very small balls to the head Pokémon and draw two short horizontal lines (hands).


At this stage of drawing you need add the outline sketches for ears and feet.

This step is more difficult. You have to draw a general outline the body and head, ears, hands and feet Pikachu.
Take a sharp pencil and circle this preliminary outline.
In the end you need to draw a tail and go to the next stage.

Now you need remove the unnecessary lines and circles and draw the actual lines for the face Pikachu.
At this step you have to choose how to draw the last stage. This Pokémon drawing is done in #2 pencil, but if you prefer to use color pencils, your drawing can turn out to look even more fun and cute.

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