100 Crazy Cool easy Drawing Ideas for Kids for 2021 - Drawing for Kids Blog - Cool Drawing Ideas

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

100 Crazy Cool easy Drawing Ideas for Kids for 2021

100 Crazy Cool Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids for 2021  

Sharing is caring! 1921 shares Pin Share Tweet 100 Crazy Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids for 2021. I’m excited to share this post of Easy Drawing Ideas for kids with you. It took forever to put together. I’m hoping it is a great chance for people looking for cool easy drawing ideas. Easy Drawing Ideas for Kid sit’s fairly obvious that kids like to draw. Sometimes plopping a stack of blank paper and some markers in front of them doesn’t cut it...

That blank white paper can be enough to shut your imagination down completely. Luckily, I’ll be acting as your Easy Drawing Ideas for kids’ superheroes today. Behold the epic list of 100 kids Easy Drawing Ideas ideas and you can thank me profusely in the comments. Just pin or bookmark this post to come back to later

Looking for some more low-key sketchbook ideas?


I got you covered for those, too. Why I’m Obsessed with Kid’s Easy Drawing Ideas. Drawing is the backbone of art-making. Really. And I know there are plenty of people in art-related fields who don’t draw.

Let’s see how many ways I can beat this point to death:

Practicing drawing helps train the eye to see what is really there and not what you presume to be there. Easy Drawing Ideas helps train the hand to be comfortable with using, um, drawing utensils. Drawing is easy to start and stop- it can be done anywhere, at any time.

You don’t need a big space or fancy setup to draw; you just need to be willing to do it. Making quick drawings is an excellent way to warm up your brain and hands for any type of art-making. Or anything, really. Few doodles before a test, before bedtime, and the during dinner. Tap into the subconscious creative brain pockets.

When you’re a child can lay the foundation for a lifelong drawing habit. Here are some health benefits of drawing. Since I’m tired of coming up with the benefits of Easy Drawing Ideas for kids. Since you probably are already a fan of drawing or you wouldn’t have clicked through to read this post, I will now delight you with 100 tantalizing drawing ideas for children on trips.

I’m not focusing solely on traditional drawing here- we’ve got a little bit of everything, from drawing from observation to doodling on photos. Drawing for Kids Blog has the projects loosely based by age group, but feel free to try the drawings with any age kid – you can modify them according to their interest and ability. Click on an image to see more or scroll below each gallery to read a short synopsis and you can click through from there.

Easy Drawing Ideas for Very Young Kids

1. Mess-Free Paint Drawing
2. Easy Drawing Ideas from Life
3. Draw with Blocks
4. Preschool Sharpie Shoes
5. Draw on Maps
6. Mixed Media for Preschoolers
7. Mixed up Hand Turkeys
8. Toilet Roll Scribblers
9. DIY Edible Finger Paint10. Drawing with Paint
11. Foil Scribbling
12. Box Drawing
13. Helmet Drawing!
14. Scribbly Stenciled Hearts Easy Drawing Ideas for Young Elementary Kids15. Crayon Transfer Drawing
16. Drawing with Yarn
17. Falling Back Portraits
18. Surprise Folded Creatures
19. Draw when you Listen to the Book
20. Crops Perspective Drawing
21. Draw Bridge
22. Popsicle Stick Tracing
23. Household Object Drawing
15. Crayon transfer drawing is such a cool twist to using a classic drawing medium.
16. Drawing with yarn! Yep, true story. This project is inspired by Harold and the Purple Crayon.
17. This is a really cool way to introduce perspective to younger elementary kids! Falling Back in Space Portraits.
18. A hilarious way to make drawing fun for any kid – surprise folded drawing creatures.
19. This is more of a general idea, but it’s cool to see what pops into kids’ minds to draw when they’re listening to a book.
20. Rows of crops are a great idea for a perspective drawing project.
21. Hello, cave drawing!
22. We love easy overlapping tracing projects like this Popsicle stick art.
23. Household objects prompt some great drawing ideas.
24. Chalk Pastel Monsters
25. Double Doodling
26. Skyscraper Drawings
27. Bird and Word Drawings
28. Hand Shadow Monsters
29. Van Gogh Sunflowers
30. Finish the Leaf Drawings
31. Tips for Self Portrait Drawings
32. Mirror Symmetry Drawing
24. Fun, bright chalk pastel monsters!
25. Double doodling is a totally cool way to really focus on what you are drawing in a fun way.
26. Skyscraper drawings. There isn’t much here in the way of instruction, so here’s my guess: Draw the buildings and watercolor paint them in. Mount on black paper and draw the background with pastels.
What do you think?
27. I love this project so much. SO MUCH. Easy Drawing Ideas words over a bird drawing based on a poem. Sweet.
28. These hand shadow monster drawings are just loads of fun times.
29. Every kid needs to try their hand at Van Gogh's sunflower drawings.
30. This finish the leaf drawing idea is a great observational study.
31. This post is really a bunch of tips and best practices for when young kids start to draw portraits.
32. Mirror symmetry drawing is a great drawing game and fun practice.
33. DIY Temporary Tattoos
34. Road Trip Drawing
35. Elephant Drawing
36. Mixed Media Drawing
37. Grid Line Drawing
38. Monkey Portraits
39. DIY Dry Erase Book
40. Draw Water Droplets
41. Contour Line Shoes
42. Cool and Warm Hands
43. Observational Drawing
44. Thumbprint Self Portrait
45. Character Tracing
46. Cartoon Drawing
47. Picasso Self Portrait
48. Doodle Cubes
49. Drawing on Rolls of Paper
50. Cool Still Life
51. Feather Drawing
52. Abstract Shadow Tracing
53. Pi Math Art
54. Draw 3D Letters
55. Parabolic Curve Drawing
56. Looking Up Cityscapes
57. Speed Drawing
58. Name Doodles
59. through the Keyhole Drawings
60. Geometry Trees
61. Grid Drawing
62. Leaf Doodling
63. Micrograph
64. Andy Warhol Cans
65. Double Cursive Tangling
66. Alien Perspective Drawing
67. Paul Klee Castles
68. Banners
69. Cropped Face
70. Drawing Negative Space
71. Erase Your Face
72. Metamorphosis
73. Card Self Portrait
74. Foreshortening
75. Mandala
76. Line drawing
77. Easy Tangle Drawing
78. Cross Hatching
79. Blind Contour Drawing
80. Tangle Drawing Portrait
81. Loose Line Landscape
82. Looping Letters
83. Giant Tree Drawing
84. Blackout Poetry
85. Giant Tape Drawings
86. Cool Line Design
87. Rock Mandalas
88. Grid Tangle Drawings
89. Restaurant Sketch
90. Copy the Spider
91. Facial Feature Practice
92. Extended Line Drawings
93. Random Circle Doodling
94. Drawing Wood Grain
95. Lined Paper Drawing
96. Portrait- White on Black
97. Marble Drawing
98. Oil Pastel Fruit
99. Small Landscape Series
100. 3d Drawing


Another well-explained Easy Drawing Ideas project. This one is all about drawing tessellations. Moreover, The teens will also most definitely dig my 50 sketchbook ideas to use as warm-ups or more drawing ideas. More cool easy drawing ideas here: Inspired by these drawing ideas? Check out my Drawing Games for Kids post, too. You’ll love it! Sharing is caring!

Source: Drawing for kids Blog

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